2021 Goal Setting For Weight Loss and Fitness
Sunday, January 24, 2021 @ 7pm
FREE Webinar opportunity!!!
Do you have a weight loss or fitness goal for 2021?
Are you looking to make this year the healthiest of your life?
Do you just need some quick steps on how to set realistic fat loss goals?
Well, join owner of Performing Nutrition, Jon Dobzelecki, MS and Special guest Sean Craig, MS RDN for a FREE 45 minute webinar on Sunday January 24 at 7pm where we will dive into the 3 easiest steps for getting started on this goal NOW
As a result of this FREE webinar, you'll confidently take away a list of weight loss and fitness goals to start losing fat now, increasing muscle and performing your best in everyday life!
Only 8 spots are available and they will go FAST!
Register now!
Please complete the form below
Fine Print: Entirely voluntary, no purchase or obligation necessary. This webinar is for fun only and Performing Nutrition assumes no risk with undertaking dietary changes. By clicking submit, you release Performing Nutrition, its owner and employees of all liability. Please consult your doctor before beginning any nutrition program. We will not give away or sell your email address, but may send you Performing Nutrition emails from time to time!